For the first time in years, Quality Automation GmbH held an open house. The intention behind the all-round successful event was to show the families and friends of all colleagues the diversity of our service areas, the exciting test setups and the various premises of the company building.
The underground parking garage and our garden formed the center of the action on that day. There was a QA information booth and various test models of our electrical design and our trainees. All guests were provided with plenty of food and drinks. The kids could get dressed up with face painting or let off steam on the bouncy castle.
Our trainees eagerly and with much dedication explained to the interested visitors the basics of a plant control system, the functioning of various sensors or supported those visitors who tried to wire components in a control cabinet themselves.

The visitors were guided through our company building in groups by our management or their own relatives. Each department presented itself in a different way and presented the respective complex tasks in a very understandable way. Live demonstrations of drives, robots and camera setups impressed not only family members and friends, but also some of our own colleagues. Also pure software applications, such as the construction of e-plans, data management in databases or our ERP system QAenterprise could be illustrated by posters, videos and an engaged demonstration of the colleagues.

On the open day the focus was not only on the different departments of Quality Automation GmbH. A wide range of health services was accepted with pleasure by many visitors. For example, BBmedica’s Health Check measured blood sugar and blood pressure, analyzed vein functions and determined the risk of stroke. BARMER’s Body Check, on the other hand, provided very revealing information on visceral fat percentage, muscle mass and total body water.
The health program was rounded off by a stand of the Walheim Health Center, which provided information on training and nutrition and presented its EMS training program, which stimulates the muscles by means of electrical impulses, so-called electromyostimulation.
We would like to thank the numerous visitors for their keen interest and positive feedback. The day will remain in the memory of the entire staff and all visitors for a long time.