Success Story – Innovative kameragestützte Roboterführung

Success Story

Inno­v­a­tive cam­era-sup­port­ed robot control

By using plug&play a fast connection of the camera to the robot control is possible. Gotten information from image data can be converted directly into position data.

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Keyence Robot Vision

The new func­tion Robot Vision, offered by Keyence for its types CV‑X und XG, enables a sim­ple cam­era sup­port­ed robot con­trol. Inter­faces for a plu­ral­i­ty of robot pro­duc­ers are offered that make a sup­ple­men­tary inte­gra­tion of the prod­uct also in exist­ing plants pos­si­ble. The com­pa­ny Qual­i­ty Automa­tion GmbH has trans­ferred and test­ed the func­tion with a robot of Mit­subishi Elec­tric in a test preparation.

Instal­la­tion and calibration

Accord­ing to the appli­ca­tion it is pos­si­ble to fix the cam­era direct­ly on the robot or attach it secure­ly in the sur­round­ing area. The con­troller of the cam­era and the robot are con­nect­ed via Eth­er­net and com­mu­ni­cate imme­di­ate­ly with each oth­er after imple­men­ta­tion of the instal­la­tion pro­gram of Keyence. Thus, for a more sim­ple instal­la­tion the robot can direct­ly be con­trolled by the Keyence con­troller. As soon as the cam­era is well-posi­tioned and the con­nec­tion between cam­era and robot is built the first images can be tak­en and the image pro­cess­ing can be start­ed. In order to trans­fer image ele­ments into posi­tion data a cal­i­bra­tion has to be done. For that Keyence offers an auto­mat­ic cal­i­bra­tion show­ing advan­tages com­pared to man­u­al meth­ods like being more pre­cise, repeat­able and inde­pen­dent of user and instal­la­tion loca­tion of the robot. The result of the cal­i­bra­tion is a spec­i­fi­ca­tion for a con­ver­sion of detect­ed pix­els on the cam­era image into Carte­sian coor­di­nates for the robot.

Pos­si­bil­i­ties of application

In case of the test prepa­ra­tion of the com­pa­ny Qual­i­ty Automa­tion GmbH the cam­era was fixed on the robot and a pick & place appli­ca­tion was suc­cess­ful­ly put into oper­a­tion. Besides the sim­ple posi­tion detec­tion of objects the func­tion can also be used for more com­plex tasks like qual­i­ty assur­ance. For that large sur­faces can be inspect­ed and test­ed by the robot. The posi­tion of dam­ages is giv­en or marked direct­ly. Also the right assem­bly of a con­duc­tor board can be car­ried out or checked with that method. More­over, the cam­era sup­port­ed con­trol is suit­able for the assem­bly of com­po­nent parts, e.g. for putting on adhe­sives or for fix­ing of screws. In case that the cam­era is attached secure­ly in the sur­round­ing area a cor­rec­tion of the grab can be done by that func­tion. For that the robot dri­ves over the cam­era with the picked object, the posi­tion of the grab is ana­lyzed and cor­rect­ed if necessary.

Contact Person
Daniel Meurer
Daniel Meurer, M. Eng.
Software Engineer
Specializations: Control Engineering, Robotics, Motion Technology

Keyence Deutschland GmbH

Siemensstraße 1
63263 Neu Isenburg
Hessen, Germany

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.

Subsidiary Germany
Mitsubishi-Electric-Platz 1
40882 Ratingen
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
