
Impres­sions of FH schol­ars’ vis­it at QA

A large attendance of students of the FH Aachen could gain insight in the work of Quality Automation on 24th April, 2013.

A large atten­dance of stu­dents of the FH Aachen could gain insight in the work of Qual­i­ty Automa­tion on 24th April, 2013. Var­i­ous projects of the core capa­bil­i­ties of the QA team brought an inter­est­ing and enter­tain­ing afternoon.

Jochen Okon presents the use of sim­u­la­tion tech­nol­o­gy in automation.

In addi­tion to exam­ples of robot­ics , con­struc­tions sim­u­la­tion and visu­al prod­uct-and process con­trol the real­is­tic pre­sen­ta­tion of the projects was appre­ci­at­ed by the stu­dents. The imme­di­ate dis­cus­sion with the staff mem­bers of the indi­vid­ual spe­cial fields pro­vid­ed expe­ri­ences and infor­ma­tion first-hand.

In the mid­dle, Michael Lam­bertz when exchang­ing expe­ri­ences in the field of pic­ture processing.

Qual­i­ty Automa­tion GmbH thanks for the ded­i­ca­tion of the FH Aachen and the atten­dance of the students.